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7-Day Free Trial
When you sign up for our service, you automatically receive a 7-day free trial period. During this time, you'll have full access to all features and content on our platform at no cost to you.
15-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If, within the first 15 days of your subscription, you find that our platform does not meet your expectations or needs, you are eligible for a full refund. Simply contact our customer support team within the 15-day period, and we'll promptly process your refund, no questions asked.
Please note that any refunds processed within the 15-day money-back guarantee period will be issued to the original payment method used for the subscription purchase.
Your subscription plan will be automatically renewed at the beginning of each monthly or annual period, as applicable. These fees will continue to be charged until you choose to terminate your subscription. The fee for your subscription will remain the same as your initial charges unless you receive prior notification of any changes. You have the freedom to cancel your subscription at any time, as described in the Cancellations section.
You can cancel your subscription plan at any time. To cancel your subscription plan, simply go to your account, click on the "Billing" tab, and select "Cancel" on the subscription plan you have chosen. Please note that cancelling a course may result in the loss of access to the course materials and any progress you have made.
You will still have access to the courses within your subscription plan until the next renewal or billing date, at which point your access will be revoked if no payment is made.
TRG Academy does not offer any refunds or credits except as outlined in these Terms. If your payment provider detects fraudulent charges on your account due to the use of your Payment Method for our services, please immediately contact us via [email protected].